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Popularni glumac iz „Igre prestola“ iznenada preminuo u 30. godini

Glumac Andrew Dunbar (30), koji je igrao u popularnoj ‘Igri prestolja’ preminuo je iznenada na Badnji u svom domu u Belfastu, piše Mirror.

Dunbar je bio dubler Alfieja Allena (33), koji u seriji glumi Theona Greyjoya. Osim što je bio dubler, u seriji se pojavio i kao saveznik Jona Snowa u Bitki kopiladi.

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Initially I wasn’t going to post anything but now I see the value in everyone sharing their thoughts on the loss of a good friend Andrew Dunbar, who died on Christmas Eve. It’s good and healthy for us to share our memories of him and to know we are not alone in our grief. I have found it comforting to read what everyone has been posting in the past few days. For me, it really is simple. He made me smile, he made me laugh and he made me think. He was just so damn loveable. I saw him only a week ago and we hugged as he left. I’m grateful for that hug and I am grateful to have known him. I am sorry for the people who are grieving tonight and sorry for the people who never got a chance to meet him. He was one of the good ones. Look after each other. If you need help, please talk to someone. Anyone. You are never alone.

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Andrew je bio u tridesetim godinama, a radio je i kao DJ. Uz ulogu u ‘Igri prestolja, pojavio se i u serijama ‘Line Of Duty’ i ‘Derry Girls’. Njegov prijatelj i kolega, glumac Andy McClay, rekao je da se uvek zabavljao pored Dunbara.

– Nikad mi ovo neće biti jasno. Bio je iskrena osoba, ljubazan i pristojan čovek s dobrim srcem. Njegovi nastupi bili su odlični, jednom je bio DJ na zabavi ekipe iz ‘Igre prestolja’ i na kraju je bio zadužen za muziku na svim zabavama – ispričao je.

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