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Bil Marej oduševio bakicu za rođendan (video)

Holivudski glumac Bil Marej ulepšao je rođendan 94-godišnjoj Merilin Huk Vajbl, a za sve je zaslužan njen unuk Noa.

Kako bi razveselio svoju baku koja nakon smrti supruga ne izlazi često iz kuće, Noa joj je kupio ulaznice za košarkašku utakmicu i to za mesta u prvom redu. Baka se razveselila ulaznicama, a još je srećnija bila kada je u blizini ugledala Bila Mareja.

Unuk je slavnog glumca zamolio da se fotografiše sa njegovom bakom i rekao mu da joj je rođendan. Marej je došao do starice, čestitao joj i zapevao joj „Srećan rođendan“.

Unuk je video objavio na Fejsbuku i napisao: „Gospodine Marej, vi ste legenda. Ljudi su ga bombardovali sa željom da se slikaju s njim, ekipa za koju je navijao je izgubila, a on ne samo da je hteo da se slika sa mojom bakom, već je sam predložio i da joj otpevamo pesmu“.

If you're not a Bill Murray fan already, you will be soon. I can't believe this happened. It is Grandmother Wible's 94th Birthday. She doesn't get out much anymore, but wanted to attend her first Baylor basketball game.. On the way to the game she shared with me how excited she was to get out of the house. See about this time last year my Grandfather Wible (her husband) of 73 years passed away and she has been feeling lonely lately. Well little did she know that for her birthday she was going to sit front row, Baylor would win, and she would not only meet Bill Murray, but have him sing Happy Birthday to her. Mr. Murray, you sir, are a legend and here's why. He was bombarded with people asking for pictures all game, his team (Xavier) he came to support lost, and he not only was willing to take a picture with my grandmother but was the one to ask if we could sing Happy Birthday to her. He didn't have to do that, I just asked him if we could take a quick picture. He genuinely wanted to make my Grandmother feel special. He is truly a class act. So Happy Birthday Maryellen Hook Wible, I love you and am thankful I was able to come down to celebrate with you!

Gepostet von Noah Wible am Samstag, 3. Dezember 2016

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