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„Zbog lepote sam izgubila prijateljice, bile su ljubomorne jer me frajeri skidaju pogledom“

Džejn Kurnou (51) je fitnes model i spisateljica koja tvrdi da je zbog svog izgleda u životu imala samo probleme.

„Nakon drugog razvoda shvatila sam koliku mi pažnju muškarci poklanjaju. Stalno su me gledali i komentarisali, imala sam osećaj da me skidaju pogledom. Žene su bile, i još uvek jesu, ljubomorne, ali ja u to vreme nisam shvatala da je to zbog moje lepote i njihovih nesigurnosti“, rekla je ova plavuša za News.com.au.

„Izgubila sam mnogo prijateljica i uvek sam mislila da sam ja kriva za to. Nisam to povezivala sa svojim izgledom do tridesetih godina života kad su me neke prijateljice ostavljale samu u barovima zbog muške pažnje koju sam dobijala“, kaže ona.

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Ten things I do to cope with stress and negativity. . 1️⃣Workout. My training is so much more than physical. It's my therapy! 💪🏻 2️⃣Get out into nature. Sunshine, sunrise, birds, water, trees. 🌞🦆🌊🌴 3️⃣Deep breathes. Or just become conscious of my breathing. 4️⃣Play, cuddle, spend time with my fur babies. 😻 5️⃣Sleep.😴And I fall asleep with subliminal affirmations. 6️⃣No TV. No news. No radio. No media! 7️⃣See my energetic healer. 8️⃣Get my nails done 💅🏻 9️⃣Take a bath 🛀🏻 🔟 Listen to one of my inspirational/motivational gurus. . It's been a challenging week on numerous levels. For the first time since I have declared myself fully recovered I have felt overwhelmed. But now I have a tool box of tricks that I can pull out to ride me through tough times. Everything in life is only temporary; we need to learn to dance in the storm until the sun rises again. And I will rise again too! I didn't come this far to only come this far!!! Setbacks only mean the comeback is on its way stronger than ever!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 . .

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Sa 32 godine dijagnostifikovana joj je depresija, a do 40. godine života, sama i bez dece, mislila je da je njen život završio. Tek kad je počela da se oporavlja psihički, shvatila je koliko je njen izgled uticao na nju.

„Shvatila sam moć svoje pojave, ali to mi nije donelo osećaj sreće ili ponosa, već pritiska“, kaže: „Upitala sam se, ako sam toliko zgodna kao što svi kažu, zašto se ne osećam srećno?“

Počela je da radi na svom izgledu i održavanju figure da bi, kako je mislila, postigla sreću, ali ubrzo je shvatila da to nema veze jedno s drugim. „Ako ne voliš sebe bez dobrog tela i lepote, neće biti ništa bolje ni ako promeniš svoj izgled. Čak suprotno, to samo naglasi koliko mrziš osobu unutar svog tela“, tvrdi ona.

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Honored and humbled to be featured on @fit_over_50_ There is a growing number of us that are approaching midlife in a non traditional way. Who says turning 50 is the beginning to the end of life?? My life is only just beginning!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 . . #Repost @fit_over_50_ (@get_repost) ・・・ We often hear people say how their gym time this their therapy and Jane is proof that fitness transformation is not just new muscle, it's a shift in your mind , body, and soul. Jane is 51, and she was very honest to share this: "Bodybuilding literally saved my life. I was clinically depressed, 2 attempts on my life.. and with low self worth clearly. And here I am over 50 on top of the world!! You are never too old to turn your life around. You simply cannot go wrong with health & fitness!!

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Kurnou je postala lifestyle trenerika i pokušava drugim ženama da pomogne da prihvate sebe i svoju unutrašnju lepotu.

Brojna istraživanja pokazala su da dobar fizički izgled ima pozitivan uticaj na uspeh i sreću, a neki naučnici tvrde da lepota utiče i na bolju platu i percepciju radnika na poslu. Iako je vrlo malo istraživanja koja su pokazala negativne strane dobrog izgleda, psiholog Marni Lišman kaže: „Ljudi su vizuelna bića i dovoljno je nekoliko sekundi da nekog procenimo. Kad se ljudima neko odmah ne svidi na temelju izgleda, to može biti povezano sa tim da se osećaju ugroženo pored te osobe.“

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Are you approaching fitness in an unhealthy way? Are you a group exercise addict fuelling your obsession to be skinny? Are your gym sessions punishment for what you ate? Are you starving yourself to look like a catwalk model? Do you only care about no. of calories over nutritional value? Would you give anything to be a fitness model and look like this..? . This girl believed that achieving this was her ticket to happiness. She had come from 25 years of all of the above and threw herself into bodybuilding fuelled by vanity and low self worth. I honestly believed that achieving this Jane was the answer to my life long misery. But the thing is if you don't love yourself before looking like this will not change how you feel about yourself or your life. Trust me!! I attached my self worth to my body as too many of us women do. Yes I am privileged but don't let the socially glorified exterior fool you. I was miserable and cried the day of this shoot. Isn't looking like this supposed to mean all your dreams come true???!!! . We are so much more than than what we look like!! Yeah I thought that was a load of 💩 too. Why do we women obsess over our weight and appearance??!! Isn't kindness and compassion what makes us beautiful..? The cool thing about my journey is I now love myself and my life AND I got to keep the body!!! Let me show you how!!!!! ❤️🙏🏻🌟🌹🌈 . . @womenshealthmag @womenshealthaus @oxygenmagau @womensfitnessmag @gorgomag @fitnessfirstmag

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Ona kaže da ljudi i ženama i muškarcima sude na temelju izgleda, ali da kod žena to češće može da bude negativno, nego kod muškaraca.

„Lepa žena može da bude diskriminisana ili podcenjena na poslu, a može da se susretne i sa ljubomorom od strane prijateljica“, kaže ona i savetuje da takve predrasude treba ignorisati i okružiti se ljudima pored kojih se osećate dobro.

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