Neverovatan trik: Za 0 dinara napravite najbolji domaći deterdžent, potrebno vam je samo jedno (VIDEO)

Jedna sasvim obična šetnja po parku može da vam poboljša zdravlje, popravi raspoloženje, ali i uštedi novac za kućnu higijenu.

Potrebno je samo da kad prođete pored drveća sa divljim kestenjem, baš poput dece, uzmete dve šake plodova i stavite ih u džep ili torbu.

Malo ljudi zna da divlji kestenovi možda nisu za jelo ali zato sadrže visoku koncentraciju saponina (supstance koja se rastvara u vodi i stvar sapunicu) zbog čega ih možete koristiti za pranje.


Conkers are mother Nature’s gift to your laundry routine. They are commonly found in parks or even urban areas. By drying them, you can stock up a 100% eco friendly laundry detergent which is shelf stable rather than using them fresh a single time. It remind me of my childhood when we used to walk up the hills to collect them. Conkers laundry detergent 🧺🧴🌰 * 4 kg of conkers (horse chestnuts) * 1/2 cup of conker powder * 3 cups of water * 1 teaspoon of baking soda(optional ) * essential oil drops (optional) Instructions🥣 -Gather 4 kg of horse chestnuts from parks or other suitable locations. -Wash the harvested horse chestnuts to remove any dirt or debris. -Cut the conkers into small chunks to make them easier to process. -Blend the conker chunks in a strong blender until they turn into a pulp. This will be your conker powder. -Choose one of the following methods for dehydrating:Air dry,dehydrator or oven -Once the conker powder is dry, store it in airtight jars to preserve its quality. -At least 30 minutes before starting your laundry, mix 1/2 cup of the conker powder in a jar. -Add 3 cups of hot water to the jar. -Let the chestnut pieces leach out their natural saponin during this time. -Strain the resulting liquid, which will be milky and foamy, into a second glass jar. This liquid is your horse chestnut laundry detergent -Use the detergent immediately for your laundry or store it in the refrigerator for up to a week. -Use approximately 1/2 cup of the horse chestnut laundry detergent per laundry load. -this zero waste cleaning product is not meant for clothes that are completely filthy and stained. If you’re washing whites or want to make it stronger add some baking soda and essential oils -Remember to use the liquid within a week to maintain its effectiveness. DO NOT CONSUME HORSE CHESTNUTS – THEY ARE TOXIC Simply touching horse chestnuts is considered safe. The esculin and saponin compounds found in horse chestnuts can make them harmful for both humans and animals. It’s crucial to store the laundry detergent made from horse chestnuts out of reach of children and pets to prevent unintended consumption. #fyp #foryoupage #contentcreator #conkers #laundrydetergent #diy #sustainable #ecofriendly #sustainableliving #sustainablility #natural #homemade

♬ original sound – SpicyMoustache


10 divljih kestenova

1 l vode


1. Sakupljeno kestenje operite i stavite ga u zamrzivač preko noći.

2. Sutradan ih isecite na četvrtine i skinite im ljusku.

3. Ubacite ih u teglu i prelijte sa 500 ml ključale vode. Ostavite najmanje 1 sat ili najbolje preko noći.

4. Procedite smešu.

5. Izblendirajte kestenje sa novih 500 ml vrele vode.

6. Procedite i dodajte u prethodnu tečnost.

Opcioni dodaci:

Za miris: eterično ulje

Za omekšivanje vode: alkoholno sirće

Protiv fleka: sodu bikarbonu

Dobijenu tečnost koristite kao tečni deterdžen za pranje veša.Ostatak tekućine stavite u frižider i potrošite kroz kratko vreme jer ne može dugo da stoji.

Pratite Krstaricu i preko mobilne aplikacije za Android i iPhone.

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