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Pobedila je rak i sada izgleda fenomenalno (foto, video)

Zvezda serije „Beverly Hills“ Šenon Doerti na društvenim je mrežama dokumentovala je svoju borbu sa rakom dojke, ali i finalnu pobedu ove bolesti.

Obožavaoci koji su je videli u najtežim trenucima dok se borila sa hemoterapijom, slaba i bez kose, s oduševljenjem su dočekali fotografije na kojima Šenon energično pleše, dok joj glavu prekrivaju pramenovi kose.

Pre nedelju dana 45-godišnja glumica završila je sa hemoterapijom.

„Poslednji dan hemoterapije, iscrpljena sam. Sad kad sam gotova sa radijacijom i hemoterapijom, ostaje nam da čekamo“, napisala je na Instagramu.

Rak joj je otkriven u februaru 2015. godine, a u godinu dana proširio se sa dojke na limfne žlezde.

„Da, imam rak dojke i trenutno sam se podvrgnula tretmanu. Jedem zdravo, vežbam i veoma sam pozitivna“, rekla je tada.

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What a great day visiting Marc and Valary at @animalhopeandwellness . Warning… description below is a bit graphic. The sweet dog Marc is holding, had its front paws cut off for soup. They also serve the paws like pig ears. That's the reality of the Asian meat market. This occurs in china, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines Cambodia etc. Dogs and cats are tortured to induce fear which in turn sets off adrenaline. The killers incorrectly believe the adrenaline makes the meat more tender. Therefore, they are electrocuted, lit on fire, body parts cut off… you get the picture. It's terrible and despicable. Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation is working hard to educate the butchers, shut down the slaughter houses and save lives. They, we, need your support. Please check link in my bio for an event on March 4th in LA. Come meet me, Marc and all the volunteers plus we have some awesome raffles happening!! Private dance class with @jammalibu and me anyone???!!! More importantly, let's show our gratitude to the animals and the foundation by lending our support. Thank you. Love you all.

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