Tačka na nozi koja oslobađa bolova, ekspert za akupresuru otkriva sjajno rešenje! (VIDEO)

Mnoge devojke imaju problem sa bolnom menstruacijom, ne znajući da jednostavnom akupresurom mogu da preokrenu stvar u svoju korist.

Doktorka Eilin Li, ekspert u ovoj oblasti, podelila je sa svojim pratiocima na Instagramu detaljno objašnjenje, kako da sebi olakšate bol. Dokorka Eilin Li ističe da pritiskanjem određene tačke na nozi, možete ublažiti ili potpuno eliminisati menstrualne bolove.

Na nozi, blizu stopala, postoje dve tačke na koje treba da obratite pažnju. Zapravo, sa unutrašnje strane, iznad pete, postavite četiri prsta, pa na drugu, višu tačku, primenite kružne pokrete 1-2 minuta, dva tri dana pre samog ciklusa.


“Dysmenorrhea” is period pain that’s typically felt during the first 1-3 days of your period. You can still do mostly everything, but you find yourself reaching for that ibuprofen to kill the pain or staying bed ridden. ♥️ Try these practical Chinese medicine lifestyle tips instead: 🩸Keep the body warm. Use a hot water bottle, do hot footbaths, and wear socks and slippers. Your kidneys in Chinese medicine are your body’s furnace to run the entire house. Keeping the furnace on can help keep the rest of the body happy. 🩸Avoid drinking cold water and eating ice cream during this time (I know, ugh). Drink hot water or teas to keep the blood flowing to not have your digestive work as hard. No cold salads unless you balance it with a scoop of hot rice or quinoa. Deadass. 🩸Exercise! But not too vigorously. 20-30 minutes of yoga and mobility work can help ease the pain. 🩸Stop saying “yes” to 💩 you hate. Overworking and overstressing creates stagnation in the body and causes our blood to not circulate as well. Set boundaries. ☝🏼NOTE: if you have more severe conditions like endometriosis or adenomyosis, make sure to seek attention regularly from your medical doctor and/or GYN. These lifestyle tips won’t cure your diagnosis, but it can certainly help manage your symptoms. Wishing you an easy time of the month. Try these tips and let me know how it goes 🥰 Safe for those entering puberty🧏🏻‍♀️ Avoid SP6 while expecting🤰🏻🛑 #period #periodcramps #endometriosis #pelvicpain #puberty #painrelief #womenshealth #pelvichealth #menstrualcramps #periodpainrelief #menstrualcycle #hormonebalancetips #healthhack

♬ original sound – Dr. Eileen | Acupuncture

Pored toga, doktorka kaže sledeće:

„Dismenoreja“ je bol tokom menstruacije koji se obično oseća tokom prvih 1 do 3 dana menstruacije. Još uvek možete da radite uglavnom sve, ali vam se ipak desi da posežete za nekim lekom koji će ubiti bol ili ste potpuno prikovani za krevet. To nije zabavno.” Umesto toga, isprobajte ovaj praktični savet iz kineske medicine.

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