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Bila je zavinsica i alkoholičarka, a onda je doživela neverovatnu traformaciju (foto)

Džen Elizabet se godinama borila sa alkoholizmom i zavinošću od narkotika, a kada je konačniu uspela da dobije tu bitku, pokzala je svoju neverovatnu trasformaciju na internetu i oduševila sve.

Ova 42-godišnjakinja iz Kalifornije fotografijama pre i posle zavisnosti svima je dokazala da je moguće izaći iz nje.

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Until a couple days ago, I had never laid eyes on these photos. I write and speak about my entire life every single day, but to actually see myself like that… took my breath away. . I included more photos of me in the swipe because I want everyone to know that this first one wasn’t just a bad day; that this was my existence for many years. I want anyone who’s struggling right now with feeling like maybe they’re too far gone to be saved… to see that recovery and healing are possible for every single person on this planet! . I remember times when I had a gutted out van to stay in that smelled of rotting flesh and metal. There were moments when I had motel rooms and actually got to shower. I had a few spots I could hang out at. But mostly I remember the days and nights wandering the streets trying not to be seen by anyone. . When I say I ate from garbage cans, I really mean it. When I tell you I lost the ability to read, I mean I actually could no longer put letters together to form words. When I speak about the times I spent in withdrawals; shaking and sweating, dry heaving and shitting on myself… what I mean is I spent lots of time praying for God to please just wipe me off the earth. . In some ways it’s hard to grasp that I was her and that today, she is me. I have believed a lot of lies in my life. But the ones that hurt me most were the ones I told myself. The ones I believed since I was a little girl about not being good enough for someone to love. Not being capable of the same things in life that other people had. And not being worth anything more than a life of broken hearts and pain. . I look at these pictures and see a girl who never knew that there was anything better to fight for. I see a lot of bad decisions and mistakes made. And I see a girl who was never worth anything less than she is right now. She just didn’t know it. . #transformationtuesday #wedorecover #csasurvivor #childhoodtrauma #traumarecovery #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #fuckheroin #fuckshame #endstigma #soberwoman #sobermom #sobercommunity #recoverycommunity #soberaf #grateful #recoveroutloud #speakyourtruth #youareworthy #recoveryispossible #healingispossible

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„Do pre nekoliko dana nisam nikad bacila pogled na ove fotografije. Svakodnevno pišem i govorim o svom životu, ali kad sebe zapravo vidim ovakvu, ostajem bez reči. Odjednom sam stavila nekoliko fotografija da ne pomislite da mi je na prvoj bio samo loš dan, to je bila moja stvarnost dugi niz godina. Želim da svi oni koji se trenutno bore s osećajem da su otišli predaleko da bi bili spašeni vide da je oporavak i izlečenje moguće za bilo koga na ovoj planeti. Nekad je teško shvatiti da sam ovo bila ja nekad. Verovala sam u puno laži u svom životu, ali najviše je bolelo ono što sam sama sebi lagala. Gledam ove fotke i vidim devojku koja nikad nije znala da postoji nešto bolje za šta treba da se bori. Vidim puno loših odluka i grešaka. I vidim devojku koja nikad nije vredela ništa manje nego što danas vredi, tada jednostavno to nije to znala“, napisala je Džen na Instagramu.

Ispričala je da su za njenu zavisnost i psihičke bolesti krive traume iz detinjstva. Kad je imala samo tri godine, roditelji su se pridružili verskom kultu gde su je zlostavljali do devete godine kada je napokon pobegla.

Godine seksualnog zlostavljanja odvele su je na loš put, tako da je već s 12 godina počela da pije. U početku je koristila alkohol kao beg od stvarnosti, ali nedugo nakon toga prešla je na teže droge.

Zbog svih problema završila je na ulici, gde je živela čak 13 godina. Nakon što je 2010. završila u zatvoru, Džen je doživela neku vrstu prosvetljenja nakon čega je odlučila da potraži pomoć.

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This is the face of a woman who just had 15 years of felonies wiped completely clear from her record! This is the face of a woman who has fought through a storm of shame that she thought would never end! . When I was in prison, a tiny spark ignited in my heart that finally believed I didn’t want to die on some filthy bathroom floor. I didn’t want to overdose alone in some riverbed as a transient with her identification pending. . I used to sit in courtrooms so sick in withdrawals, head down and eyes fixed to the floor. I could smell the heroin coming from my pores. I would listen as the attorneys would talk amongst themselves. Laughing about their weekends, their kids… chatting about a life that I truly never believed was possible for someone like me. . This is the face of woman who, today got to walk through the front door of the court. I was able to look everyone in the eyes as I spoke. With my own weekends and beautiful children to talk about. This is the face of woman who is no different than anyone else. Recovery and healing are possible for everyone! Please just listen to that little spark in your heart! . No one is meant to live or die like that! I love you! 🖤 . . . #womaninrecovery #sobermom #fuckheroin #recoveryispossible #healingispossible #believeinyourself #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addictionfree #soberliving #soberchicks #sobergirls #wedorecover #recoverycommunity #sobercommunity #thisisrecovery #soberaf #spiritualaf #gratefulaf #endstigma #killthestigma #recoveroutloud #shareyourstory #inspirehope #hopedealers #notanonymous

A post shared by 𝐉𝐞𝐧 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 (@resurrektion_of_me) on

Iako je put prema oporavku bio dug i težak, danas ona vodi normalan život sa svoje dvoje dece.

„Bio je ovo dug put, zavisnost je deo mene. Morala sam nakon svega da naučim kako da budem čovek, normalno se tuširam, namestim krevet, kako da razgovaram sa ljudima i idem u prodavnicu. Trauma iz detinjstva je koren mojih problema. Morala sam da prihvatim da ništa od ovog nije moja krivica“, rekla je Dćen za Mirror i otkrila da su joj deca najveća motivacija.

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