U trendu

Ova žena je za osam meseci smršala do neprepoznatljivosti i otkrila tajnu

Svako ko kaže da se jednog dana probudio i odlučio da smrša, verovatno ne otkriva celu istinu. Proces od želje i ideje do konačne odluke traje malo duže, a tako je i u slučaju Ane-Marie Klic koja je svoju ispovest podelila na Instagramu.

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I’m not special • 31 weeks • I wish I could tell you that 8 months ago I had some major inspiring moment that clicked it all into place for me. Or that I have a magic pill that gives me motivation, but I don’t. I started @sweat and running again because of sheer disappointment in myself for giving up on me and for all the excuses. I wasn’t unhappy with my life, that’s not it. I loved my life and I felt comfortable with it, even the excuses. But I was disappointed because I knew I wasn’t healthy and I seemed to have stopped caring. My motivation wasn’t really motivation. I looked at my workouts as just something I had to do to get better, stronger and healthier. I decided to look at food the same way too, no diets or supplements. Just vitamins and fuel. The love of the workouts came later, slowly and mostly unexpectedly. I don’t know when I saw changes physically. But mentally it happened almost right away. Because every time I didn’t want to do a workout and I did it anyways, when I dismissed the excuses and pushed through my 28min of BBG or my 45min runs I felt proud of myself. And that was the game changer. The only thing I do know about myself is this: I’m “an all in” or “all out” kind of girl, mom, wife, friend. I’m either committed or I’m out, that doesn’t mean perfect, it means giving it my all. @kayla_itsines #bbg #bbgtransformation #bbgprogress #bbgmoms #bbgmomsover30 #transformationtuesday #runningmom

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“Volela bih da mogu da  kažem da se pre osam meseci dogodio ‘klik’ i da je sve selo na svoje mesto. Ili da sam popila čarobnu pilulu koja me motivisala, ali nije tako”, napisala je ova majka troje dece iz Toronta, koja je fotografijom uporedila svoj izgled pre osam meseci i danas.

Klicova je bila nezadovoljna odnosom koji ima prema svom telu.

“Nisam bila nesrećna sa svojim životom. Uživala sam, ali sam bila razočarana jer sam znala da ne živim zdravo i prestala sam brinuti”, dodala je.

Njena transformacija je počela u trenutku kada sebi nije postavila cilj da smrša do određene težine, već da učini nešto za svoje zdravlje.

“Na hranu sam gledala isto. Nisam krenula na dijetu ili počela da pijem dodatke prehrani”, napisala je.

Počela je da vežba i da u tome uživa. Počela je da se događa promena na njenom telu, ali važnija joj je bila ona mentalna.

“Ponosila sam se sobom i to je sve promenilo”, kaže i poručuje drugima da upravo to treba da im bude cilj: biti ponosan napretkom i osećati se dobro u svojoj koži, bez obzira na težinu.

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