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Promenila je samo pet životnih navika i izgubila 60 kilograma (foto)

Priča Kie Tviselman nadahnula je mnoge druge koji se spremaju da se upuste u borbu s viškom kilograma.

Ova mlada žena iz Kalifornije godinama je pokušavala da drži najrazličitije dijete, ali bez ikakvih rezultata. Nakon godina neuspeha na kraju je ipak tokom samo jedne godine izgubila 60 kilograma  i to je uspela promenivši samo pet životnih navika.

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The only part of my body I used to like was my eyes. They are ice blue just like my dad’s, and the only part of my body I couldn’t consider overweight! I hated every other part of me. My arms were saggy. My legs lumpy. My stomach flabby. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, desperate to escape it. My desperation led me to sign up for countless fad diets. Maybe this would be the one, the quick fix that will make me beautiful and worthy. I thought that maybe if I was skinnier I’d finally be able to accept myself, I’d finally be able to live life with confidence. I’d start off each new diet strong, and then once I made the first mistake, I’d use that as evidence for why I was destined to fail again. Instead of giving myself grace and forgiveness, I’d spiral, piling on more shame and self-loathing. And then, to buffer away my emotions and disappointment, I’d eat. Food was my comfort, an instant release of dopamine to allow me to escape my feelings and discomfort. And so, the pattern would continue. Hate myself. Start a diet. Make a mistake. Hate myself more. Eat food. Gain weight. And repeat. This time, I knew things had to be different. I had to BREAK THE CYCLE – a cycle that I had created in my own mind. I knew I needed to learn to love myself FIRST, instead of focusing on the diet or exercise plan, as if my physical appearance was the solution to my problems. You, as you are, are beautiful, worthy, and whole. When we learn to love ourself FIRST, our journey becomes fueled by our commitment each day to becoming our best, rather than by self-shame and punishment. When we love ourself first, we forgive ourself, we stop quitting on ourself, and we reach for more. Not because we hate who we are, but because we love who we know we were always meant to be.

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Sada Kia pomaže i drugima da to učine. Trenutak kada je odlučila da promeni svoj život je kada je sela u avion i primetila da ne može da veže pojas. Knjiga „Girl, Wash Your Face“, autorke Rejčl Holis bila joj je poziv da promeni svoj život.

Imala je samo 25 godina i morala je da preuzme odgovornost za svoje postupke. Bilo je vreme da uzme život u svoje ruke i na borbu sa kilažom koja je trajala od najranijeg detinjstva stavi tačku.

„Moja težina ostavila je na mene velike posledice i fizičke i psihičke. Nisam smela da odem na plažu, jezero ili bazen. Bilo mi je neprijatno nositi kupaći kostim“, priznala je.

Gubitak kilograma nije bio lak.

„Bilo je puno trenutaka kada sam htela da odustanem. Posebno kada ne vidite rezultate. Morala sam stalno da podsećam sebe da je gubitak kilograma ostvarenje svih mojih snova“, kazala je.

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Stop saying you’ll start over on Monday. I don’t care if you haven’t exercised in 5 years. I don’t care if you just got done binging a gallon of ice cream on the couch in one sitting. Making a mistake or taking a break doesn’t mean you have to turn around and start over. When we tell ourselves we’re going to start over, we’re making the false assumption that we’ll do it perfectly next time. We think that if we can’t do it flawlessly, then we shouldn’t do it at all. Stop self-sabotaging yourself with your BS all-or-nothing mentality. You get to decide, right now in this moment, to stand back up. You get to choose to learn from your failure and walk through it, only becoming stronger on the other side. This journey has been a long, imperfect one. I’ve given into food urges, I’ve missed workouts, I’ve gained weight just as fast as I’ve lost it. I fail all the freakin’ time. But I always choose to stand back up. Failure is guaranteed, standing back up is a choice. What will you choose for yourself? Size 20 👉🏻 Size 6

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Ovih pet navika promenile su joj život:

„Probudite se sat ranije nego inače i to vreme posvetite sebi. Vežbajte najmanje 30 minuta. Odreknite se svakog obroka koji nije koristan za vaše telo. Pijte dosta vode. I svaki dan zapišite deset stvari na kojima ste zahvalni“, rekla Kia.

Pridržavanje ovih jednostavnih navika pomoglo je Kiji ali i drugima je da stvore solidne temelje za nov i zdrav životni stil. Fokusiranost vam može pomoći da sve postignete.

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