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Glumica šokirala javnost svojim vaspitnim metodama! (foto)

Glumica tu ne vidi nikakav problem

Glumica Kristen Bel otvoreno je pričala o odgajanju svoje dve ćerke Linkoln (7) i Delte (5). Tom prilikom otkrila je da njena mlađa ćerka, iako ima 5 i po godina, i dalje nosi pelene.

Glumica tu ne vidi nikakav problem.

„Moja starija ćerka je poželela da koristi wc šolju kada je imala 21 mesec. Nikada više nije nosila pelene. Ali, moja Delta ima pet i po godina i još uvek nosi pelene. Svako dete je drugačije“, rekla je Kristen.

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I am raising women who are not afraid to disagree. Not for disagreements sake, but rather to use their voice when they need to. To not be afraid to speak up and be clear when they have something valuable to add. To participate. To lean in. To be insightful and lead with kindness. To use their gut and ethics to make decisions that sometimes fall outside the lines or buck the system. To be, as @adamgrant says "a disagreeable giver who challenges the status quo in order to improve it." A few weeks ago I bought them RBG dissent collars. (Mainly so I could know when they are feeling particularly disagreeable, they'd put it on in the morning so I'd have a heads up). Now they wear them with pride, like strong females who know when they can add their point of view, with confidence. I'm very proud to be a mother to these two. Thank you @daxshepard for being the magic ingredient to their recipe. I'm forever grateful. Happy mothers day to all the moms out their with disagreeable kids. We are gonna be so grateful for their confidence the day they start to run the world.

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Osim toga, glumica je prošle godine iznenadila javnost otkrivši kontroverzan način uspavljivanja mlađe ćerke.

„Svake večeri kad je stavimo u krevet, ona ustane, upali svetla i lupa po vratima teškim igračkama, zbog čega njena sestra ne može da spava. Počeli smo da je zaključavamo u sobi dok ne zaspi. Kroz vrata joj kažemo da ćemo razgovarati ujutro jer je sada vreme za spavanje. Ona „luduje“ još deset minuta, i onda sama legne i zaspi. Tada otključamo vrata i proverimo da li je sve u redu“, otkrila je glumica.

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