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Znate li zbog čega je Hju Grant 1995. godine završio iza rešetaka?

Popularni holivudski glumac Hju Grant te je 1995. napravio pogrešan potez koji ga sada prati kroz čitavu karijeru, prenose mediji.

U to je vreme bio u vezi s Elizabet Harli za kojom je patio svaki muškarac pa su svi bili u šoku kada ga je policija privela zbog greške koju verovatno nikada sebi nije oprostio.

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Hugh Grant once had a terrifying stalking situation. Well, two. “I’ve had two incidents and now I’m extremely frightened,” the actor told Sky magazine in 1993. “One was a New York cop. I was in New York by myself once and I got chatting to this policeman and he asked me to send him a postcard when I got back to England. Being a nice chap I did, and he started calling me at home.” ⠀ The cop began calling more and more frequently, Grant explained, and at strange hours of the night. “I said, ‘What are you doing? I’m asleep.’ ‘Come on, come on, let’s have a talk,’ he said. I said, ‘I have nothing to say.’ It got worse and worse and I stopped taking the calls.” ⠀ “Then one day I was filming in America in Charleston, and it was my first night there, then again 3 o’clock in the morning, he tracked me down. God knows how. Really scary. He said, ‘What are you doing? Come on. I’ve been really sweet to you.’ I was expecting him to come with a smile and a dagger. That was creepy. Then the other day I was in the lift at Earl’s Court tube station near my home and this guy was very close, kind of looking at me. I nodded at him. He asked me if I was Hugh Grant. He said, ‘May I speak to you for five minutes.’ We got out of the lift and he said, ‘I’ve come to see you.’ I asked him where he came from and he said Ecuador. Ecuador? Oh wow, what a long way. He wanted to talk to me a lot. I said I’ve got to go now, but give me your number – because he claimed to be a journalist. He said, ‘No, I’ll call you, I’ve got your number.’” ⠀ #hughgrant #stalker #90s

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Uhvatili su ga tokom seksa u automobilu s prostitutkom Divajn Braun koja je od toga profitirala, jer je svoju priču prepričavala magazinima širom sveta. Glumac je dobio kaznu za nedolično ponašanje u javnosti i odslužio dve godine uslovne, a kao šlag na tortu, morao je da prođe i edukaciju o AIDS-u.

– Jednostavno, bio sam idiot. Nisam ni pokušao reći da imam psiholoških problema. Samo sam rekao – ‘Da, učinio sam to, kriv sam'“, rekao je jednom glumac.

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