U trendu

Glumac se ponovo odao alkoholizmu: Snimljen najbolniji trenutak u njegovom životu (foto)

Nažalost, fetus nema srčanog ritma, poručio je lekar glumici Mari Lejn, na snimku koju je pokazala obožavaocima.

Snimak najbolnijeg trenutka svog života glumica je objavila zajedno sa fotografijom drveta, a možete je pogledati ako u objavi kliknete desno.

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To the showering of love received, thank you from bottom of our hearts. I am so humbled and got teary-eyed several times at how beautiful humans can be and so sad but hopeful with the stories shared of depression and miscarriage and addictions. Thank you for sharing your soul and stories back, as this helps us feel that we are not alone. Anyone who knows me personally knows I would normally never share such personal sadness (only because in my head, I would not want to burden others and because I trust that in time God will heal me) but I was happy to come to my husband's defense. I could not sit back and see him attacked by Darkness publicly during such a tender time. Thank you for coming to ours. Please continue to always write or comment about your days no matter what I share as when I see it I will return the love back someway or it will be read by someone else who can too. I so wish that I could support you on all your walks and sad days so hopefully the posts I share will make you laugh or lighten your days or make you smile/brighten them somehow. This is not a highlights nor lowlights reel, but simply an in-the-middle to keep in contact. I was very vulnerable in my last post as well as being at an all-time low and on such days I sometimes will feel the need for support, so thank you for being so kind to me and being a safe place. We will try to be more transparent on our journey as I see it may be helpful for others as well as ourselves. We don’t have to carry the weight of the world ourselves. We can help lift one another up. I have been given peace and Baby Willow is now planted in the tree in front of our home that has weeping long branches and leaves so we can brush our faces in soft leaves in passing or we can see the baby dance with the wind in the branches as they sway. It is helping me process the situation … as Nature does. Thank you again Dr Stu for getting us through that as watching a sonogram not have a heartbeat is very surreal and beyond sad. Thank you Father God for supernatural peace. May you afford those who seek you the same peace and may we grow as humans and have more compassion for all humanity.

A post shared by Mara Lane 🕊🙏🏻✨❤️🐾👑🎬✌🏻️ (@maralanerhysmeyers) on

Lejn je otkrila kako se nakon spontanog pobačaja njen suprug, glumac Džonatan Ris Mejers (40) ponovno odao alkoholu.

– Džonatan i ja pokušavamo da pronađemo način borbe s tugom – izjavila je Lejn, a pijanog Mejersa primetili su i putnici na aerodromu u Dablinu.

– Izgledao je kao neko ko nije imao pojma gde se nalazi. Bio je potpuno van sebe. Ostali putnici bili su zabrinuti što ga takvog vide u 10 sati ujutro – prepričao je jedan od putnika. Glumac je teturao aerodromom, noseći u ruci 20 kutija cigareta. Prema izjavama svedoka, po Mejersa su došli telohranitelji. Putnici misle kako mu ulazak u avion nije bio dopušten.

Par je fetus zakopao u vrtu porodične kuće.

– Bebu Vilou smo sahranili kraj stabla pred našim domom. Obiluje dugim granama i lišćem kako bismo mogli da je vidimo dok pleše u granama koje se njišu na vetru – napisala je Lejn. Zahvalila se svima koji joj pružaju podršku.

– Hvala vam što ste tako ljubazni prema meni i što ste mi pružili utehu. Pokušaćemo da budemo transparentniji na našem putovanju jer vidim da bi i za druge, a ne samo za mene, moglo da bude korisno da ne moramo sami da nosimo težinu sveta. Pomozite jedni drugima da se izdignete iz teških situacija – zaključila je Mara, koja sa Mejersom ima 9-mesečnog sina Volfa.

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