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Najteži trenuci za porodicu poznatog glumca: „Napustio nas je naš anđeo“ (foto)

Glumac Džejms van der Bik, zvezda nekad megapopularne tinejdžerske serije „Dawson’s Creek“, otkrio je da je njegova supruga imala spontani pobačaj.

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Thrilled beyond belief to announce that another little bundle of joy has picked us to be their family. We chose to have our first ultrasound on camera with our #DWTS crew capturing the result – something I NEVER thought we’d ever do… but @vanderkimberly and I have been through three of those first appointments to discover either no heartbeat, or no baby, and she wanted to share this moment. Miscarriage (a word that needs a replacement – nobody failed to “carry”, these things sometimes just happen) is something that people rarely talk about, and often go through in secret. But there needs to be zero shame around it, or around giving yourself the time and space to grieve. We decided to put ourselves out there – not knowing what we’d find – in an effort to chip away at any senseless stigma around this experience and to encourage people who might be going through it to open themselves up to love & support from friends and family when they need it most. Happily, for us – this time- we walked out with tears of joy. #AndThenIDancedAQuickStep. • Pic by @jilliangoulding

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Par je čekao njihovo šesto dete.

„Moja supruga Kimberli je prošla kroz najgoru noćnu moru svakog roditelja koji očekuje bebu – imala je spontani pobačaj“, rekao je glumac u američkoj verziji šou-programa „Ples sa zvezdama“.

Van der Bik je jedan od takmičara ovogodišnje sezone emisije i priznao je da do zadnjeg trenutka nije znao hoće li uopšte nastupiti ove nedelje.

„Nikad ne znaš zašto se ovakve stvari događaju, to govorim i svojoj deci. Samo znam da vas zbliže“, dodao je.

Svojoj supruzi, koja se nalazi u bolnici, poručio je da je voli, piše Index.hr. Nakon toga je objavio sliku supruge s najstarijom ćerkom u bolničkom krevetu.

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Wrecked. Devastated. In shock. That’s how we’re feeling right now after the soul we thought were going to welcome into our family in April… has taken a short cut to whatever lies beyond this life. We’ve been through this before, but never this late in the pregnancy, and never accompanied by such a scary, horrific threat to @vanderkimberly and her well-being. Grateful that she’s now recovering, but we’ve only just begun unpacking the layers of this one. Thank you to all of our friends and co-workers (and dance partners) who have shown up for us so beautifully during this time. As many of you have said, “There are no words…” and it’s true. Which is why in a time like this it’s enough to know that you’re there. Grieving AND counting our blessings today.

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„Uništeni. Slomljeni. U šoku. Tako se osećamo sada nakon što je duša za koju smo mislili da će doći u našu porodicu u aprilu krenula prečicom do onoga što je iznad ovog života. I ranije smo ovo doživeli, ali nikad ovako kasno u trudnoći i nikad uz toliko jezivu, strašnu opasnost po zdravlje moje supruge kao ovog puta“, napisao je.

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