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Oborila rekord: Za 18 meseci i 26 dana obišla 196 zemalja sveta (foto)

Kasandra de Pekol iz Konektikata na put oko sveta krenula je 24. jula 2015. godine, a završila ga je nakon 18 meseci i 26 dana. Time je oborila Ginisov rekord za osobe koje su do sada najbrže putovale u sve suverene države (plus dodatnih 11 zemalja).

De Pekol je putovala kao ambasadorka u ime Međunarodnog instituta za mir i sastajala se sa gradonačelnicima i ministrima turizma kako bi im prezentovala svoju deklaraciju mira. Njeno neverovatno putovanje zove se „Expedition196“, a oborila je rekord Jili Liu koja je proputovala svet za tri godine, tri meseca i šest dana.

Na putovanja je potrošila 10.000 dolara sopstvene ušteđevine i 198.000 dolara koje je dobila od različitih sponzora. Tokom putovanja je koristila 255 aviona, a cilj joj je da sadnjom drveća neutralizuje „ugljeni otisak“ svojih putovanja.

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An act of strength, and courage. 🦋 This is Hadeel. Before she hopped in the taxi, she hugged her two friends tightly and said goodbye. As we drove away, in the rearview mirror I noticed as her eyes welled with tears. Hadeel and I really connected and it turned out that those two young women were her sisters who she was saying goodbye to for perhaps years. Originally from the Western side of Aleppo, she said that she and her husband were one day repairing their balcony and when they finally fixed it, they went to Latakia for a vacation. However, upon their return, they found their entire home completely destroyed by the rebels. Her husband was able to gain acceptance as a refugee in Germany, braving the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece and then trekking along the Balkan route for 25 days until eventually reaching Germany. Hadeel had to wait a year and a half before she was granted access to live with him in Germany. At just 25, she lost her mother and at 27, her father. Now at just 28 years old, nearly the same age as I, she faces yet another testing journey. I couldn't have felt more humbled to have met her and to hear her story. But more importantly, to just tell her that everything is going to be okay, that she's strong and she will make it through. Today, she's taking her first ever flight, completely alone, after leaving her country for the first time in her life, in order to be with her husband in Germany. We all have a story, a deep story molded since birth that only we ourselves will truly know from the inside out. We're all pained in some way and by something, and no two experiences are ever the same. We're all so incredibly different in so many ways, but so much the same. The connection that I had with Hadeel, woman to woman, both at the same moment in time; both venturing out into the unknown, out of our comfort zones and a bit scared, sad, and excited all at the same time, was incredibly special. So many personal stories of humanity on this Expedition that have made me such a more humbling and understanding person, but rarely do I capture a photo in the midst of it all. Lucky I have the opportunity to share this moment with you all ❤

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„Teško je dobiti dozvolu da posadite drvo u svim zemljama, ali sam se trudila da to uradim u što je moguće više zemalja. Do sada sam posadila drvo u 50 zemalja, a cilj mi je da ih posadim 500“, rekla je De Pekol, koja će ostatak drveća posaditi nakon što se vrati sa ekspedicije u Konektikat.

De Pekol se takođe suočava sa kritikama da je u svakoj državi u kojoj je bila provela premalo vremena da bi to bilo značajno.

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Sup? Hanging in the back of a tuk tuk asking myself, "how did I get here?" 🤔. Perhaps it's because I carved my own path and own who I am? My values are strong and I will never lose sight of where I want to be and who I represent. Hold true to your values. You are the dictator of your own life and you choose your own projections. Live in solidarity or take an immense risk and break free. But whatever you do, never stop learning, never stop educating yourself and beyond anything else, never stop challenging yourself for the better, do not be afraid of change. We can all become better versions of ourselves; kinder, more compassionate, more alive, more inquisitive. Be THE BEST of who you are. Each day, I wake up and look in the mirror… I immediately note my flaws, a daily reminder of the rawness and reality of it all… but when I look in the mirror I tell myself this, "I know who I am, my values are strong and I own my life. No one can dictate my future or my life. I'm here for a reason. Find that reason and flourish. Forget haters and naysayers…at the end of the day, I'm alive for an unknown period of time, and I own this being. No one can surpass who I am and who I've worked so hard to become. Why? Because I believe in my individuality and uniqueness. No one has ever known and will ever know the very intricacies of my life, but myself. Stay strong. Hold out. Just.Do.It.". Sound a bit egocentric? Perhaps. But we've all worked so hard to become the individuals we are today and it's crucial to hold true to our values and who we are. Be the change you wish to see in the world (Gandhi), be the POWER you wish to see in the world. Be COMPASSIONATE, strong and level-headed. Be yourself and be confident. Go out there and live the adventure. 🚀 • • • #expedition196 #expedition196entrepreneur @expedition196entrepreneur (Online Seminar Starting February 3rd)

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„Sve se svodi na dve reči: upravljanje vremenom“, rekla je De Pekol u svoju odbranu.

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Managing criticism • • • It's not okay to let others opinions (good + bad) shape who you are and who you aim to become, but I encourage you to let their words fuel you to pursue a life for yourself that you could have never in your wildest dreams have imagined. It's always been a desire of mine to inspire others that would in turn, inspire myself to create and grow positively in the right direction. My motto has always been, "I want to live an iconic lifestyle where I do what I want, when I want, and inspire those along the way". The negativity I get from this Expedition is vast, and while I'll never know why I've been criticized for my hard work and dedication to make even just a small, positive change in our world or how I travel for that matter, this negativity contradictory, only fuels me to do bigger things and reach higher in order to craft something more vast and impactful to positively enhance our world, while leaving a great legacy behind. Thankfully, the judgements that I've read have really fueled me to start several major projects that I've recently started working on. I often wonder that if I never received this criticism from others, I'd never be driven enough to change our world for the better… and hopefully one day I won't rely on these judgements to make these great forward movements in life, but for now, it's worked well enough. Never define your value as a person based off what people tell you about who you are or what you do. Own your life, own your values, own your morals and never let anyone dictate your decisions or frame who you are or who they think you should be. It is your life and no one has a surefire solution to a successful and winning outcome, but you. So, I encourage you to use not only fear but negativity and criticism from others as embers to your flame. It is only then, once you let all those opinions go, and watch those embers burn to flame, your truth and your story will flourish and you'll be boasting with confidence as to where you're headed. Choose your hard. PC: @unmaderhyme

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Kaže da je svaka zemlja za nju bila posebno iskustvo i da je želela da vidi koliko zna, ali i da nauči ono o čemu nije imala pojma, izađe iz sigurne zone i oseća se ugodno u nepoznatom okruženju, prenose mediji.

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