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Ako ste pogledali bar pola filmova s ove liste, možete sebe zvati pravim filmofilom

Svi ponekad volimo da provedemo dan izležavajući se na kauču i gledajući filmove, ali samo će pravi filmofili moći da se pohvale da su pogledali većinu ovih filmova.

Sajt Brighside napravio je listu 50 najpopularnijih filmova, a vi ih obavezno pogledajte (ukoliko niste do sada) kada vam se za to ukaže prilika jer su omiljeni i publici i kritičarima.

1. Bekstvo iz Šošenka (The Shawshank Redemption, 1994)

2. Mračni vitez (The Dark Knight, 2008)

3. Početak (Inception, 2010)

4. Borilački klub (Fight Club, 1999)

5. Pretparačke priče (Pulp Fiction, 1994)

6. Forest Gamp (1994)

7. Gospodar prstenova: Družina prstena (he Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001)

8. Matriks (1999)

9. Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, 2003)

10. Kum (The Godfather, 1972)

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11. Uspon Mračnog viteza (The Dark Knight Rises, 2012)

12. Gospodar prstenova: Dve kule (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 2002)

13. Sedam (Se7en, 1995)

14. Mađuzvezdani (Interstellar, 2014)

15. Gladijator (2000)

16. Đangova osveta (Django Unchained, 2012)

17. Betmen: Početak (Batman Begins, 2005)

18. Ratovi zvezda IV: Nova nada (Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, 1977)

19. Kad jaganjci utihnu (The Silence of the Lamb, 1991)

20. Prokletnici (Inglorious Bastards, 2009)

21. Spašavanje redova Rajana (Saving Private Ryan, 1998)

22. Šindlerova lista (Schindler’s List, 1993)

23. Dvostruka igra (The Departed, 2006)

24. Prestiž (The Prestige, 2006)

25. Ratovi zvezda – Epizoda V: Imperija uzvraća udarac (Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, 1980)

26. Memento (2000)

27. Vuk s Vol Strita (The Wolf of Wall Street, 2013)

28. Američka lepota (American Beauty, 1999)

29. Zatvoreno ostrvo (Shutter Island, 2010)

30. Zelena milja (The Green Mile,1999)

31. Kum II (The Godfather: Part II, 1974)

32. Pirati s Kariba: Prokletstvo Crnog bisera (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, 2003)

33. V kao Vendeta (V for Vendetta, 2005)

34. Američka istorija X (American History X, 1998)

35. Povratak u budućnost (Back to the Futur, 1985)

36. Leon profesionalac (Léon: The Professional (1994)

37. Dežurni krivci (The Usual Suspects, 1995)

38. Terminator 2 (1991)

39. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

40. Čuvari galaksije (Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014)

41. Hrabro srce (Braveheart, 1995)

42. WALL·E (2008)

43. Dobri momci (Goodfellas, 1990)

44. U potrazi za Nemom (Finding Nemo, 2003)

45. Ratovi zvezda – Epizoda VI: Povratak Džedaja (Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, 1983)

46. Šesto čulo (The Sixth Sense, 1999)

47. Do neba (Up, 2009)

48. Trumanov šou (The Truman Show, 1998)

49. Let iznad kukavičjeg gnezda (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,1975)

50. Ulični psi (Reservoir Dogs, 1992)

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